Friday, January 29, 2010

This photo was taken with a white balance that was on my camera. I had to make the picture light because of it being in the shade. I gave it a higher white balance to that it would turn out better.
In this picture I was trying to make something that was shade a lot stand out. I wanted to see the full effect of using a higher white balance.

In this photo i used one of the white balance setting that was on my camera. This was originally in the shade but I changed the white balance so that it would be lighter. In this photo the viewer will see movement in the picture. With the rail road going of into the distance the viewers eyes will follow. This picture is also showing horizontal and vertical lines. I really like how this photo turned out. I feel that fill the whole picture with the rail road was the right thing to do because other wise it would have a different effect in the photo.
When this photo was taken I manually switched the white balances. This photo is showing the use of a curved line in the photo. The river makes the viewer want to keep following it so that they can see the barn in the back of the picture. I really like how this photo turned out but i wish that it could of been a bit brighter.